
Authenticity Guaranteed 100% 



When buying luxury goods online, one of the most common concerns is determining whether the item is genuine or fake. We completely understand your worries; it's natural to be cautious, especially when investing in something valuable. At our store, we want to ease your concerns and assure you that every item we offer is 100% authentic.

Our in-house experts meticulously inspect all items before they are listed online. They assess various aspects such as workmanship, authenticity markings, buttons, hardware, stitching, material quality, logo shape, and individual item details like serial number, color number, and style number. These checks ensure that the items meet the high standards set by CHANEL.

To further guarantee authenticity, we collaborate with third-party authenticators and experts who specialize in brands like Chanel and Hermes. We never sell an item if there's even the slightest doubt about its legitimacy. We take the authentication process very seriously; any mistake could lead to the suspension of our license to deal with second-hand high-end brands by the Japanese government.

To put your mind at ease, we offer a full money-back guarantee if any item you purchase from us is proven to be non-authentic (although this has never happened before). We provide a 100% refund, including the cost of return shipping. When you shop with us, you can have confidence that you are getting a genuine, high-quality luxury item.

Please feel free to reach out to us at any time with your questions or concerns about the authenticity of our products. We're here to assist and communicate with you whenever you need.